Copywriting's Free First Step - The Home-Based Writer's Guide
Whether you have a full-time job or spend much of your time raising your children, theres no doubt that a little extra cash can come in handy. There are many freelance and part-time opportunities that can prove to be fruitful. On the other hand, many of those opportunities may seem enticing, but ultimately provide little money. If youve ever had a passion for the written word, whether it be college courses in journalism, a collection of short stories in your journal, or a daily blog you like to update, then you can bypass many of the part-time offers and head straight to the top. Dabbling in freelance copywriting is one of the most effective ways to earn extra cash and you get to indulge your passion for writing at the same time!
Whats involved with being a freelance copywriting? Lets break it down. Copywriting means literally writing copy. This generally means marketing copy, but can touch on a variety of areas, including ghostwriting, technical writing, and press releases.
As for the freelancer part, freelancing is both a blessing and a curse. As a freelancer, you have the freedom to pick and choose projects as you please, control your schedule, and control your rates. Of course, the other side of that is that you must search for work. However, if youre only looking for a part-time situation that earns you extra money, freelancing is a smart way to go.
Now heres the secret why is freelance copywriting so lucrative? Think of the many part-time work-at-home opportunities you hear about. Most likely, its telemarketing or some other task that only pays $15 - $20 an hour, if that. With copywriting, you can start at $50 per hour and no one will wince.
Now do you understand why writers have a big advantage in the world of work-at-home business? Just one project could pay for an entire weeks groceries while on big project can pay a weekend getaway. Arent you glad you took all those writing classes in college now?
Of course, the question remains: how does one learn what works and what doesnt work in copywriting? After all, you cant jump into the copywriting pool without knowing your stuff, regardless of how good your writing skills are. The best way to learn is from example. Guess what? Examples are everywhere around you!
Think of every brochure youve looked at. Think of every billboard or magazine ad youve seen. Think of all of those websites you visit everyday. Chances are, theres been a time when youve read the writing on those items and thought, I could do better! There are so many mistakes on there!
This is your free classroom. You can learn what works and what doesnt work in freelance copywriting simply by taking in the world around you. Be mindful of what grabs you and what doesnt grab you with brochures, sales letters, direct mail, ad copy, and website writing. Youll soon notice a pattern of what is good and what is bad. Heres a hint selling with honest facts beats hype hands down every time. Little spices such as clever humor and fancy wordplay never hurt either, as long as they fit the situation.
By noticing that the world around you can teach you the beginning lessons of freelance copywriting, youve already taken the first steps to a lucrative new side career. Best of all, this classroom is free. All you need to do is to take the time to notice and learn from everything you see and read. Once you begin to see the patterns of success, youre on your way to launching your freelance copywriting journey.
For more about the next steps in a freelance copywriting career, including finding clients and building a portfolio, download Make Money Writing!, available at, by freelance copywriter Mike Chen.
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